
时间:2024-02-25 22:13:37




  A few days ago saw a book in the bookstore, the title is called "daddy-long-legs". At the sight of this book, I will have a lot of desire to want to read on, because our class have a classmate's nickname is called long legs. Unexpectedly, the content of this book is so fascinating.

  Grateful as we are one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, was admired by people since ancient times. "Dripping of grace, when animals are reported", "cast by peach reciprocate" words such as interpretation of the meaning of Thanksgiving.

  Often see online someone say forget gratitude is human nature. It is true that people forget gratitude this is very normal things. But think about it all around us, the sun gives us all the necessities of life, and enables us to breathe air, water is the source of life, their parents raise us, the teacher of our inculcation, classmates to our help, don't these we can forget? Are these we all accept the gift of all can forget? No! Forget just those irresponsible people refuse. You may forget to eat? You will forget your sleep? Won't you?

  Gratitude, of course, also need to have the right way. If you are a patient, the doctor your disease is cured, you plug in a red envelope to him, is this Thanksgiving? No, you're making him! If you are a parent, teacher teach your children well, you plug in a red envelope to the teacher, thank you you are a teacher? No, you are blaspheming his!

  Sometimes, Thanksgiving just need a warm smile is ok; Sometimes, Thanksgiving value need sincere "thank you" will be enough.

  前几天在书店里看到了一本书,书名叫做《长腿叔叔》。一看到这本书,我就非常有想读下去的欲望, 因为我们班有个同学的外号就叫做长腿。没想到,这本书的内容也是这么的引人入胜。






  "Daddy-long-legs" this book is my favourite book, it is the author of Jane Webster, she is a famous American novelist. She was born in a family full of artistic breath. Her father in the published work, the mother is Mark Twain's niece. In Barcelona during the women's university, she often feeds for newspaper, and use their spare time, to the orphanage and rehab doing volunteer work, accumulated the massive material. Her representative works include "dear enemy", "daddy-long-legs." successively in "reading" magazine's list of the "best books ever".

  A man who never lived in the health may rarely consider the question, like those who live happy all the day long often complain about how there are many happiness is not the same.

  The family is the same for the ubiquitous. A lot of people dressed in front of outsiders, polite, got home, to see their loved ones will temper as a few minutes.

  In their view, health, happiness, love, all of this for granted, so also is common, enjoy together can feel at ease completely.

  Nowadays more and more rebellious children let me think about a problem: we give the child too little or too much; Nowadays more and more people are rebellious let me think about another question: how much we need to study and comprehension of those who were once we see in life for granted.

  Rather than wait until lost pain, cherish now have. This is what I read in the "daddy-long-legs".







