
时间:2024-02-25 22:01:50




  There is one word in the communication network platform is always blocked - plagiarism. So I generally use for reference with quotes instead of the word. Of course against a known relishes word, innovation.

  What is innovation? To create something new, it is innovation. Through experience of predecessors have no, that is innovation. Innovation is not just an individual and nation, and the world. The power of innovation, is to support a person live power, that is to support the station, the power of the development of a country that is promoted be exalted in that day the glory of an era.

  In fact, I want to say a true word. Has nothing to do with national boundaries, also has nothing to do with dignity.

  Many people say do not support the domestic is the traitors. Actually otherwise, such a no innovation ability of domestic support. Anime copy, copy products, a lot of people call themselves in the diffuse, domestic saviour, so how do you save? Don't think about how to innovation, will only blindly demeaning to foreign products? Ok, abuse is also innovation. So, will only blindly down foreign products do not go to action this call innovation? Degeneration of domestic products are also at fault, actually you quarrel of the kung fu, have how many things are created listed abroad.

  I really look forward to the "made in China" can be changed into "China create", I had also thought, if really created may be, I hope so too, the Chinese don't carry on because those that humiliates the copied a stigma.

  I hope to innovation, I also hope I can be a main force of innovation.

  Innovation, everyone can innovation, as long as you are willing to innovation, if you want to have the innovation ability. You temporarily can't compare with others it doesn't matter, then why don't work hard? Why go to copy? Why not use innovation to prove himself.

  Some people make their names become the pronoun of plagiarism, being mocked return not bashful to say goodbye to the people to protect their rights. Some people even support a copycat, said be copying is the originator of pleasure. What is this? How can a person without innovation ability to live, how a nation without innovation strength stands in the nation community? An era of innovation and how to posterity's heart forever? (all JingWenXue www.wan-jing.com).

  Innovation is not far-fetched, but people don't want to go to touch it can bring the brilliant, they choose to run against it, for the glory of a brief, but carry on throwing off the shackles of moral and law, and never turn.

  Innovation is really so difficult? Innovation, why not to accept. Innovation is the inexhaustible power, its power really appears, even the heaven and earth, and the time for it to stop, singing praises for it.

  The power of innovation can make an era glory, can make a country to stand back, can make a person he did not honor and position, the power of innovation can be changed from the beginning to the end of a can't touch the fate of this.

  It leads me to believe that the future, it gives a country in the future, it lets the world shock, it is time to rise.









  有些人让自己的名字成为抄袭的'代名词,被人嘲讽还好意思去告别人保护自己的版权。有些人甚至支持抄袭者,说被抄袭是那些原创者的荣幸。这算什么呢?一个没有创新能力的人怎么可以活下去,一个没有创新力量的民族又如何屹立于民族之林?一个没有创新的时代又如何永远留在后人的心中?( 万景文学 www.wan-jing.com )





