小学英语第三册Unit 5的优秀教案

时间:2024-02-25 22:09:41
小学英语第三册Unit 5的优秀教案

小学英语第三册Unit 5的优秀教案

教学内容:  闽教版第三册Unit 5


(1)能听懂、会说并在日常生活中应用以下句子:When do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at six thirty.要求语音准确,语调自然。

(2)学习新词汇:have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner(3)学习韵句:Three Meals.

2、能力目标: 在活动中积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。

3、情感目标: (1)激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生良好的英语学习习惯。(2)提高学生运用语言的`能力,把所学句型与生活实际紧密结合,学以致用。


能在日常生活熟练运用以下句子:When do you have …? I have …at ….

教具准备: 录音机及磁带、教学卡片、、课件、头饰等。



1. Say a chant. “ Tick,Tock. (学生Say a chant, 并做动作。)


3.Free talk.T:What’s the time?  T: When do you get up? …

3. Sing a song. “It’s time to clean u p.” 本环节设计为课堂营造了讲英语的语境,设法让学生进行了英语状态。另外让学生在课前先复习了时间、数字。用游戏的形式进行巩固。利用歌曲来复习与本课教学内容相关的句型,既调节情绪,又为新课教学作铺垫。

二.呈现新知1.  Teach:have breakfast/lunch/dinner (1) (computer show 6:30) T: What’s the time?(computer show picture)T: It’s time to have breakfast.Teach:breakfast, have breakfast It’s time to have breakfast.

Teach have lunch/dinner in the same way.

(2) Practice小小作曲家)

T:Boys and girls. Let’s have a rest. Let’s sing the song “It’s time to clean up” again.

T: Now we use these 3 phrases “have breakfast/lunch/dinner” to make a new song.

2.  Teach: I have … at ….(1)(computer)T: I have breakfast at 7:00. When do you have breakfast? Ask and answer.(T-S, S-S)

(2) Drill: Play a chain game.A: When do you have breakfast?B : I have breakfast at 7:00. When do you have lunch?C: I have lunch at 12:00. When do you have dinner? D: I have dinner at….

(3). Activity: Do a survey.

T: Boys and girls. Let’s do a survey. Please investigate two of the classmates and try to know their tibles.

have breakfast go to school have lunch  have dinner

《小学英语第三册Unit 5的优秀教案.doc》
